Character Design

So after looking at all my research I had some ideas of characters to draw. I decided that I'd make two good and two bad characters, both would have a strong and weaker character.

I choose my characters to have a retired police detective, a low ranking police officer, a strong robber and a weaker robber. The strong robber being the cash carrier and the weak handling the weapons.

So to start I went into photoshop and drew a base template for the strong characters, which the detective and strong robber will be drawn from.
Here I drew a front and side pose that I'll draw my strong character from, only the front pose will be draw first until I'm happy with the design.

I wanted to give my strong robber a Kevlar vest so he's like a tough Juggernaut character, I'm a bit worried he doesn't look '70s' enough. The strong robber needs be ruthless and mean, he doesn't care much for anyone if you're in his way, when it comes to money he'll do what's needed.

This is my Detective character, I gave him the cliché mustache and wanted him to be wearing plain clothes. The detective is an experienced character who is calm and collected, he's seen a lot so doesn't scare easily.

I then drew from the strong base, a more thinner and weaker base for the other characters.

After getting some feedback I decided to edit the thighs of the strong character to be slightly thinner, this made the overall figure look less chunky and out of proportion. I then went on to edit the characters and draw the sides also.

I also did a major overhaul to the strong robber and scrapped the vest altogether, if he was going to wear one it'd be under his clothes anyway, so I added an afro, turtleneck sweater and also large baggy jacket.

I made the detective's jacket a lot longer and removed some of the crease lines that caused the jacket to look very tight and shrunken

For the weaker base I extended the arm on the side view as it wasn't the same height as the front view

I also created the police officer character that I decided to give the large glasses, he is also rather thin to make him look weak and not intimidating, I wanted to give the feeling that this character would be slightly nervous and new at his job.

And finally for my small robber I chose to make him look slick, so he has an open collar shirt revealing a medallion, rolled up sleeves and also gloves and jeans. I decided to give him a balaclava as he is more worried about his appearance. 
Now all the sketches have been completed I decided to add colour and create an image of the character side by side to show scale comparison.
Here you can see the two strong characters are roughly the same size and have similar colour pallets.
The small criminal is the smallest character of them all but isn't the weakest, he's still much stronger than the cop.

Here I placed all the characters together from tallest to smallest to show the scale of the characters.

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