Mudbox Research

After my characters have been modelled I'll need to create a high poly version in Mudbox, so first of all I needed to get acquainted with the program.

So after I downloaded Mudbox from the website I started looking at some tutorials to get used to the interface.

I looked at this series of tutorials on youtube at first

Which was helpful as it gave me the basic knowledge needed.

Also I looked at a the basics and all the following videos by Autodesk

After I watched these videos I decided to give Mudbox a try for myself.

I started off with the basic head that comes with Mudbox

From here I added a very basic structure of how I wanted the head to look, so I added more prominent cheekbones and worked on the nose more

I then added in more depth, increasing the polygons and added in deeper eye socks, more detailed ears and mouth, and also added a muscular neck

On this one I worked more on the lips and slightly tweaked other part of the head such as the ears

to try something new and experiment with more tools I decided to create a more exaggerated 'evil' looking face. So I used the grab tool to move part of the face around and then sculpted areas I thought necessary until I ended up with this

Then I decided to experiment with the cut tool to add in crease effects, like on his chin, around the eyes and also around the nose

The model now needed eyes and as I hadn't modelled in any I created a sphere and placed it into a socket. As Mudbox doesn't have a copy feature, for the other eye I exported and re-imported the sphere and placed it into the other eye

From there I simply used the sculpt took to mold the mesh around the sphere to create eyelids

Once I was happy with the result I thought I'd test out the paint tools and painted a clown-like face paint into the head

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